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Movie: Hidden Strike (2023)

Hidden Strike (2023) Full Movie Download Mp4

Movie: Hidden Strike (2023)
Hidden Strike (2023) Full Movie Download Mp4

Download Movie: Hidden Strike (2023) Mp4 1080p, Blu-ray 480p, 720p HD MKV.

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There is a plan. They just don’t know what it is.

Two elite soldiers must escort civilians through a gauntlet of gunfire and explosions in this film starring Jackie Chan and John Cena.


Synopsis: A Chinese private security contractor who is initially hired to eliminate oil workers. However, he discovers that the attackers have a more sinister plan of stealing a vast amount of oil. To thwart their scheme, he joins forces with a former U.S. Marine to put an end to their dangerous intentions.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller

Release Date: Jul 28, 2023 (United States)

Stars: Jackie Chan, John Cena, Ma Chunrui, Jiang Wenli

Runtime: 1h 43m

Source: Hidden.Strike.2023.1080p .WEB.H264-HUZZAH

Language: English

Subtitle Language: English



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