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Movie: Great White (2021)

Movie: Great White (2021)

Movie: Great White (2021) Review, Rating, Casts, Release Date, Genre, Trailer, General information.

Movie: Great White (2021)
Runtime  01:31:03

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Take your final breath
A tourist trip quickly turns into a living nightmare when five passengers on a seaplane become stranded miles away from shore. What follows is a desperate bid for survival as the group tries to make it to land before they either run out of supplies or are taken by the man-eating sharks lurking just beneath the surface.
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Release Date: May 7, 2021
Stars: Katrina Bowden, Aaron Jakubenko, Te Kohe Tuhaka
Source: Great.White.2021.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.DD5.1-FGT
Language: English
Subtitle Language: English

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