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Movie: Escape from Mogadishu (2021)

Movie: Escape from Mogadishu (2021)

Movie: Escape from Mogadishu (2021) Review, Rating, Casts, Release Date, Genre, Trailer, General information

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Movie: Escape from Mogadishu (2021)
Runtime: 02:01:09

It is 1991, Mogadishu, capital city and most populous city of Somalia was torn by civil war. The personnel and the families of the South Korean embassy, isolated with no communication were enduring hail of bullets and shells. Then one night, personnel from the North Korean embassy knocked on the door asking for help. People of both embassies have one goal, to escape from Mogadishu.

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Release Date: Jul 28, 2021 (South Korea)
Casts: Kim Yoon-seok, In-Sung Jo, Joon-ho Huh

Language: Korean
Subtitle Language: English

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