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Movie: Baby Money (2021)

Movie: Baby Money (2021)

Movie: Baby Money (2021) Review, Rating, Casts, Release Date, Genre, Trailer, General information.

Movie: Baby Money (2021)
Runtime: 1hr 33min

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When a home invasion turns into a bloody shoot-out, a pair of ragtag fugitives take refuge in the house of a single mother as they wait on their fiery (and very pregnant) getaway driver to hatch an escape plan in time for a major payday.
Genre: Thriller
Release: 2021-08-10
Stars: Al Burke, Christopher Kriesa, Danay García, Eric Davis, Jean St. James, Joey Kern, Michael Drayer, Robert Mammana, Taja V. Simpson, Travis Hammer
Director: Luc Walpoth, Mikhael Bassilli
Language: English

Rating 5.4/10

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