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Movie: Alice (2022)

Movie: Alice (2022)

Movie: Alice (2022) Review, Rating, Casts, Release Date, Genre, Trailer, General information.

Movie: Alice (2022)
Runtime: 100min

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Alice spends her days enslaved on a rural Georgia plantation restlessly yearning for freedom. After a violent clash with plantation owner Paul, Alice flees through the neighboring woods and stumbles onto the unfamiliar sight of a highway, soon discovering that the year is actually 1973.

Genre: Drama, Thriller
Release: 2022-03-18
Stars: Alicia Witt, Common, Gaius Charles, Jonny Lee Miller, Katie Gill, Keke Palmer, Sinqua Walls
Duration: 100 min
Director: Krystin Ver Linden
Country: US
Language: English
Rating; 4.5/10

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Via Stagatv

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