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Movie: Por Thozhil (2023) [Indian]

Por Thozhil (2023) [Indian] Full Movie Download Mp4

Movie: Por Thozhil (2023) [Indian]
Por Thozhil (2023) [Indian] Full Movie Download Mp4

Download Movie: Por Thozhil (2023) Bollywood Mp4 1080p, Blu-ray 480p, 720p HD MKV.

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Loganathan, a senior cop is asked to mentor Prakash, an academically bright but faint-hearted and needs to overcome his fears in order to succeed. The unlikely duo, team up to investigate a series of murder cases, and realize all of them are interlinked and that a psychopath serial killer is on the run. Can they get hold of him before it’s too late?


Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

Release Date: Jun 9, 2023 (India)

Stars: Ashok Selvan, R. Sarathkumar, Nikhila Vimal

Runtime: 2h 26m

Source: Por.Thozhil.2023.1080p.SONY. WEB-DL.Multi.AAC2.0. H.264-Telly

Language: Tamil [Indian]

Subtitle Language: English



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