Download Movie: Blood Diamond (2006) Mp4 480p, Other film quality include Blu-ray 720p, 1080p HD and MKV.
Solomon is abducted and forced to work in mines, where he finds a priceless diamond and hides it. When Danny learns of it, he promises to help him find his family in exchange for the diamond.
A story following Archer, a man tortured by his roots. With a strong survival instinct, he has made himself a key player in the business of conflict diamonds.
Political unrest is rampant in Sierra Leone as people fight tooth for tooth.
Upon meeting Solomon, and the beautiful Maddy, Archer’s life changes forever as he is given a chance to make peace with the war around him.
Blood Diamond
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Director: Edward Zwick
Story by: Charles Leavitt; C. Gaby Mitchell
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou, Jennifer Connelly, Kagiso Kuypers, Arnold Vosloo
Release Date: 2006
Runtime: 143mins
Language: English
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