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Movie: Carmen (2022)

Carmen (2022) Full Movie Download Mp4

Movie: Carmen (2022)
Carmen (2022) Full Movie Download Mp4

Download Movie: Carmen (2022) Mp4, 720p HD MKV.

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A one-of-a-kind cinematic vision.

A young and fiercely independent woman, Carmen, is forced to flee her home in the Mexican desert following the brutal murder of her mother. She survives an illegal border crossing into the US, only to be confronted by a lawless volunteer border guard. When the border guard and his patrol partner Aidan become embroiled in a deadly standoff, the pair is forced to escape together.


Video Information:

Genre: Drama, Musical

Release Date: Oct 26, 2022 (Australia)

Stars: Melissa Barrera, Paul Mescal, Rossy de Palma

Duration: 1h 56m

Source: Carmen.2022.1080p .WEB.H264-KBOX

Language: English

Subtitle Language: English




‘Carmen’ is a musical drama released in 2022, the movie features actors like Melissa Barrera, Paul Mescal, Rossy de Palma and others. It has a runtime of about two hours, and has cinematic elements you do not ant to miss out on. If you have seen this movie, please leave a review in the comment section.


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